About Me

Hi Friend!

I am Kathryn, but my friends call me Kat. I am currently working full-time as a dental hygienist at Williamsburg Dental in Lincoln NE. I grew up in a small town and really enjoy what rural towns have to offer. I am a wife, mama, and an orofacial myofunctional therapist. I have an intense passion to share my knowledge and guide clients to optimal oral health and function.

My journey to becoming a myofunctional therapist began when my daughter was born with a tongue tie that made our breastfeeding journey difficult. I had two pediatricians, and two lactation consultants tell me releasing the tongue wasn’t needed, and one stated it would be, “overkill”. My “mom gut” and my background in dental hygiene led me to pursue a fifth opinion from a tongue-tie savvy dentist. Turns out, the tongue tie was affecting my daughter’s ability to excrete milk and gain weight at a steady pace. At one month old she underwent a very quick procedure to release her tongue and lip tie. We completed wound care management to ensure proper healing for four weeks. Completing a tongue-tie release was a game changer for our breastfeeding journey which we are still happily participating in.

Tethered oral tissue, such as a tongue tie, is a small part of what myofunctional therapy can assist with, in your journey to aligning your health. I realized that myofunctional therapy can do wonders for many people struggling with snoring, sleep apnea concerns, mouth breathing, improper swallowing, and jaw pain (TMD), to name a few.

After taking a deep dive into all things airway-related, I decided I want to be the one to help link dentistry and healthcare, to help mamas, like myself, be able to advocate for our children’s health. After all, it takes a village and you don’t know what you don’t know. I look forward to helping answer any questions you have and scheduling a free online assessment to see how myofunctional therapy can benefit you or your children.

Let’s do this!