“The most important thing you can do is be an advocate for your child’s airway health”

Dr. Shereen Lim-Breathe, sleep, thrive

Align your health

Here to help educate and guide clients towards optimal health with orofacial myofunctional therapy

What is orofacial myofunctional therapy?

Who can participate in myofunctional therapy?

A good general starting age is 4-6 yrs old depending on maturity level. Clients must have volitional control and understand what is being taught. I do offer a mini myo course for my younger clients that aren’t quite ready for a full myofunctional therapy plan.

Does insurance cover myofunctional therapy?

Some insurances do have coverage for myofunctional therapy but most do not. I treat my patients with the most comprehensive care. Therefore I wont’ allow insurance companies to dictate the best course of action for a client. I do offer a superbill to submit for reimbursement but do not accept insurance at this time.

What is a tongue tie?

A frenum or frenulum is the band of tissue under the tongue which attaches at the floor of the mouth. Some individuals frenulum is too short, too thick, too long, or attached at the wrong spot which can affect proper function of the tongue. In some cases the physical barrier, tongue tie, must be released to rehabilitate proper muscle function of the tongue.

Does myofunctional therapy help sleep apnea?

A strong muscle such as the muscles at the back of the throat, tongue, and jaw, are more like to work correctly and not fall back into the airway while sleeping. Research has shown myofunctional therapy to be a great option to decrease apnea-hypopnea index (AHO) in mild and moderate sleep apnea cases.

What causes sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a structural issue. The jaw didn’t grow outward or wide enough leading to lack of proper airway space A long term fix is visiting an airway centered orthodontist to assess the bones of the head neck and face. Myofunctional therapy helps strengthen the muscles to help lower symptoms associated with sleep apnea.

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